The Victaulic part number can help you order precisely the correct sprinkler, especially for dry and specialty heads
The SIN (sprinkler identification number) shown on a fire sprinkler’s deflector is usually enough to get a fire sprinkler order right—especially if you buy from QRFS. It narrows down the correct part; each SIN refers to a unique sprinkler manufacturer, model, size, orientation, K-factor, and response type. But a SIN doesn’t capture things like finish, activation temperature, or, in the case of dry sprinklers, custom barrel length.
You can prevent confusion for most sprinklers by using the SIN and QRFS’s QuickFinder, which identifies the exact part you need and specifically asks you to choose the temperature and finish. Or, you can simply use our search bar at the top of the site.
However, it can also be helpful to understand manufacturer part numbers, which track information that SINs don’t specify. The part number is especially relevant for ordering dry sprinklers, which require additional specs about their barrel lengths.
Every company has its own part number system, and this is your guide to Victaulic’s codes. Read on to learn:
The SIN remains the simplest way to order sprinklers from QRFS via our search bar or the QRFS QuickFinder tool. If you know what you need, you can also shop our extensive selection of Victaulic commercial and residential sprinklers, plus cover plates, escutcheons, and wrenches. To order custom dry sprinklers, contact us directly.
The anatomy of a Victaulic part number
Victaulic part numbers are very detailed, encompassing every possible sprinkler characteristic. Each aspect is converted to a letter or number code and added to the part number. If you know the SIN of the sprinkler you need, you can look up much of this essential information very easily—make sure to have the sprinkler’s data sheet in front of you.
The data sheet will tell you many inherent aspects of a sprinkler and Victaulic’s part number—for example, a single SIN always has a particular orientation (pendent, sidewall, or upright). You can find data sheets on QRFS’s product pages for individual sprinklers and at Victaulic’s website.
However, the crucial documents with specific part numbers and a key to understanding them are Victaulic’s “price lists found on its website—in this case, Victaulic’s FireLock™ Price List.
We’re going to explain each major sprinkler characteristic and how to build part numbers based on them step-by-step, but there is a huge shortcut. If you know the SIN, doing a search for it in the price list PDF will take you to the sprinkler in the table of contents, where you can click on the page for that sprinkler:

Once you are on the sprinkler’s specific page, Victaulic does the part-number-building work for you by showing completed numbers for various sprinkler options. For example:

The above tables with complete part numbers for each sprinkler are very handy. However, below, we’ll show you how to build a part number yourself, using a V2704 upright, quick-response, bulb sprinkler with a 5.6 K-factor as an example. Here’s how the part number will look in the end:

Model number
Victaulic assigns all its sprinklers model numbers based on the first two numbers of their SIN. For example, V2704, V2708, and V2710 sprinklers are all “model V27.” Multiple Victaulic sprinklers within the same model designation are usually on the same data sheet. The model number is the beginning of the part number, which always starts with S (for sprinkler), followed by the first two numbers of the SIN.
Thus, the part number for a V2704 sprinkler starts with S27.
Connection type
Most fire sprinklers have two choices for connections: National Pipe Thread (Taper) (NPT) or British Standard Pipe Taper (BSPT). Customers don’t usually have a real choice—which one you need depends on where you live and which thread standard is used there.
However, Victaulic first made its name with grooved pipe connections, so the company also offers a proprietary sprinkler joint called IGS, which is a grooved connection. In contrast, sprinklers from other manufacturers connect to otherwise grooved pipe systems via standard NPT or BSPT threads. You can learn more about grooved pipes and couplings here.
The hardware that links Victaulic’s grooved sprinkler to its grooved pipe is called a V9 coupling, and Victaulic IGS-joint sprinklers can be ordered with or without that piece of hardware.

To specify the connection you need, pick the letter or number that corresponds with the sprinkler’s size and joint type. Notably, the grooved connections are letters, whereas NPT and BSPT threads are numbers. We’ve listed the most common options below, but always check the price list and data sheet:
- 1 = 1/2″ NPT
- 2 = 3/4″ NPT
- 3 = 1″ NPT
- 6 = 15 mm BSPT (½”)
- 7 = 20 mm BSPT (¾”)
- 8 = 25 mm BSPT (1″)
- F = 1/2″ IGS™ Grooved without Style V9 Coupling
- G = 3/4″ IGS™ Grooved without Style V9 Coupling
- H = 1″ IGS™ Grooved without Style V9 Coupling
- J = 1/2″ IGS™ Grooved with Style V9 Coupling
- K = 3/4″ IGS™ Grooved with Style V9 Coupling
- L = 1″ IGS™ Grooved with Style V9 Coupling
Note that connection size is not a choice; it is just the connection type. A V2704 sprinkler, for example, only comes in 1/2” NPT, 15mm BSPT, or 1/2” IGS—you can’t get a different non-equivalent size for a specific SIN.
For our part-number example, we want the 1/2” NPT threaded version of the sprinkler, so our part number, so far, is now S271.
Deflector (orientation) & coverage style
If you know the sprinkler and SIN you need, specifying the sprinkler’s orientation (whether it’s a pendent, sidewall, or upright) and its coverage type (e.g., standard or extended coverage) is easy. That’s because these characteristics are always set for a specific sprinkler and SIN.
Victaulic combines these aspects in the fifth digit of the code. Here are some of the most common choices, though there are more:
- A = Standard Upright
- B = Standard Pendent
- C = Standard Horizontal Sidewall
- D = Standard Vertical Sidewall
- E = Extended Coverage Ordinary Hazard (ECOH) Upright
- F = Extended Coverage Ordinary Hazard (ECOH) Pendent
- G = Extended Coverage Light Hazard (ECLH) Pendent
- H = Extended Coverage Light Hazard (ECLH) Horizontal Sidewall
- J = Extended Coverage Light Hazard (ECLH) Concealed Pendent
- K = Residential Pendent
- L = Residential Horizontal Sidewall
- N = Residential Concealed Pendent
All concealed sprinklers need cover plates, which Victaulic sells separately from their sprinklers. You can find ordering information for compatible cover plates on a data sheet, on QRFS’s sprinkler product pages, or (as always) with our handy QuickFinder Tool.
Our example V2704 sprinkler is a standard upright head, so we’ll specify A—our part number is at S271A, so far.
Activation temperature
Next is the activation temperature of the sprinkler, encoded by a letter. Here’s a list of the most common temperatures:
- A = 135°F/ 57°C
- C = 155°F/ 68°C
- D = 165°F/ 74°C
- E = 175°F/ 79°C
- F = 200°F/ 93°C
- G = 212°F/ 100°C
- J = 286°F/ 141°C
- K = 360°F/ 182°C
Remember, not all activation temperatures are available for all sprinklers—again, check the sprinkler’s data sheet!
We’ll order the 155°F version of the sprinkler, specifying C in this space. Our part number is now S271AC.
Response type
Next, we have to specify the response type for our sprinkler—either standard response (“S”), (residential) fast response (“R”), or quick response (“Q”). Early suppression, fast response (ESFR) sprinklers used in storage facilities are also technically “fast response” (it’s in the name!), but Victaulic uses the quick response “Q” code for them, too. You can check out our article on response types to learn more.
A sprinkler’s response element is another characteristic determined by the SIN, and the V2704 is a quick-response head. So, our part number is now S271ACQ.
“K-factor” is the technical term for the size of the hole where water flows out of the sprinkler. A bigger K-factor means a bigger hole, which means more flow to meet specific system design requirements. A common K-factor in commercial sprinklers is 5.6; residential sprinklers tend to use smaller K-factors; storage sprinklers and others in higher-challenge fire environments use larger K-factors.
Here are some examples of how Victaulic encodes some K-factors in its part numbers, though there are many others:
- 1 is K=2.8
- 3 is K=3.5
- 4 is K=5.6
- 5 is K=8.0
- 6 is K=11.2
- 7 is K=14.0
- 8 is K=16.8
- 9 is K=25.2
- A is K=4.2
- F is K=2.0
- H is K=4.9
Remember, check the data sheet to see which K-factor goes with your SIN—there’s only one option per sprinkler and SIN.
Our V2704 example is a 5.6K sprinkler, so our part number becomes S271ACQ4.
Sprinkler finish
Different-colored coatings make fire sprinklers look nice, but they can also be functional—some have FM Approvals or UL Listings for corrosion resistance. Below is a list of Victaulic’s finish codes, though not all sprinklers have all of these options; again, check the data sheet!
- 1 for Plain brass
- 2 for Chrome
- 3 for Bright brass
- 4 for White
- B for Black
- C for Brushed Chrome
- D for Brushed Brass
- G for Cream
- W for Bright White
- N for VC-250, Victaulic’s proprietary corrosion-resistant coating
The VC-250 finish is FM Approved and UL Listed as corrosion-resistant, so we’ll choose that one. Thus, the part number becomes S271ACQ4N.
The ‘miscellaneous’ spot
Standard Victaulic part numbers have one additional digit at the end to indicate any special modifications, revisions, multiple parts, and other unusual things that apply to a sprinkler. Unless you’re ordering a dry sprinkler, it’s rare that this digit is anything other than 0, which indicates no special modification.
For dry sprinklers, you will use this space plus a few extra digits—read on for more about that!
So, our completed part number for a V2704 sprinkler at 155°F with a VC-250 finish is S271ACQ4N0.
Part numbers for Victaulic dry sprinklers
Dry sprinklers are used in specific configurations in dry pipe sprinkler systems and to protect discrete spaces that are subject to freezing temperatures in wet pipe sprinkler systems.
Dry sprinklers have a sealed barrel filled with air between the sprinkler head and its connection to the fitting and supply pipe. The barrel prevents water from accumulating and freezing around the sprinkler’s business end, while also limiting heat loss from warm to cold spaces in many applications, an effect contingent on the length of the barrel.

The length of the dry barrel needs to be specified for each dry sprinkler—along with the style and color of a pre-installed escutcheon if one is used. Victaulic’s proper terms for this ‘barrel length’ are “A Dimension,” “pipe order length,” or just “length,” depending on the document. And how you take this measurement varies based on whether the sprinkler uses an escutcheon. Check out our guide to measuring dry sprinklers, and skip down to the Victaulic section for more information.
Extra digits on Victaulic’s dry sprinkler part numbers encode the sprinkler’s A Dimension (custom barrel length). To understand these additional length codes and manually build a part number, we need to reference Victaulic’s “Price List Addendum” for its FireLock quick response dry sprinklers—an extra document covering stuff not in the price book. However, before we do that, let’s highlight another shortcut: Victaulic walks you through filling in the part number on its dry sprinkler order forms, like this one for V36 dry heads.
Here’s how we’d build the part number for a V3614 pendent 5.6K dry sprinkler. Using the same part codes mentioned above for all Victaulic sprinklers (non-dry and dry), we’ll choose a VC-250 finish, a 155°F activation temperature, and a 1” IGS connection/coupling. So far, that would be S36LBAQ4N.
From there, we need to choose a pipe order length/A Dimension to add to the end of the part number—let’s go with a 12-1/4” A Dimension on a dry sprinkler with a recessed escutcheon. The final part number will look like this:
Here’s how we got those last six digits for the barrel length and escutcheon style:
Escutcheon finish and information
For standard sprinklers, the ‘miscellaneous’ special modification slot in the part number’s 10th digit is usually left at zero. But for dry sprinklers, this slot indicates the escutcheon finish if a dry sprinkler needs one.
The main options include X for plain stainless steel and W for white-painted stainless steel. If 0 is used here, it means the escutcheon will be the same finish as the sprinkler—if you specify an escutcheon at all.
The final two digits of the Victaulic dry sprinkler part number (after skipping three digits for the barrel length) indicate the escutcheon style. For plain barrel (no escutcheon), use code 10 here—and make sure you specify 0 for the escutcheon finish. Otherwise, the options are:
- 11 for flush escutcheons
- 12 for recessed escutcheons
- 13 for sleeve and skirt escutcheons
- 14 for extended escutcheon
- 16 for intermediate standard pendent escutcheons
- 17 for interchangeable escutcheons
We want a recessed escutcheon for our example sprinkler with a finish that matches it, so we will have part number S36LBAQ4N0[—]12. The 0 indicates that the escutcheon is the same as the sprinkler finish (VC-250), and the 12 indicates a recessed escutcheon.
A Dimension/Pipe Order Length
Again, the main feature of a dry sprinkler is its barrel. You need to specify the exact, custom length of the barrel when ordering dry heads—a dimension Victaulic variously calls “length,” “pipe order length,” or “A Dimension” in different documents and spots.
Those three digits we skipped in the part number are for this length. The first two of the three digits specify the length in whole-inch increments, ranging from 3” (specify 03) to 48” (specify 48).
The last digit in this section specifies the pipe order length in 1/4” increments. Specify 0 for 0”, 2 for 1/4”, 4 for 1/2”, and 6 for 3/4”. As an example, you would use:
- 030 to indicate 3 inches
- 054 to indicate 5-1/2 inches
- 100 to indicate 10 inches
- 206 to indicate 20-3/4 inches
We want a 12-1/4 A Dimension/Pipe Order length, which would be code 122. So, the final part number for our example V3614 dry sprinkler is S36LBAQ4N012212.
Victaulic sprinkler part numbers are long, but straightforward if you have the data sheet and price list
To navigate the enormous number of fire sprinkler options, it helps to know the SIN. But ordering the exact heads needed from there always requires specifying activation temperature and finish—and you may need to detail other characteristics, such as connection type and dry sprinkler barrel length.
To track these things, sprinkler-makers like Victaulic use internal part numbers. If you know the exact part number, you’re guaranteed to get the correct sprinkler. It’s helpful, extra knowledge.
However, QRFS understands that most buyers don’t want to sort through price lists and data sheets or build out part numbers. That’s why we strive to make things easy for most sprinklers with our product pages and QuickFinder tool. And if you need custom dry heads, we’re happy to build part numbers for you—just reach out to place an order.
Check out QRFS’s huge selection of Victaulic sprinklers, cover plates, escutcheons, and wrenches. For special dry sprinkler orders, or if you need something you don’t find in our catalog, contact us at or 888-361-6662.
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