#58 – Which Fire Sprinkler Head Cover Plate Do I Need?

If you have a fire sprinkler cover plate to replace and you’re wondering which one you need, you’ve landed on the right page. Whether your existing sprinkler cover is missing, damaged, or painted over, in this blog you’ll learn the simple steps required to find the correct cover plate (hint: the manufacturer is key, and it has a little to do with dimensions) and replace it with ease.

Know the Cover You Need? We Stock Tyco, Reliable, Viking, Victaulic and Senju Covers.


This is what your cover plates should look like …

Let’s start with a quick overview. A cover plate is a decorative piece of metal connected to a copper frame by temperature-responsive solder that covers a concealed sprinkler in a ceiling. A cover plate simply screws into the concealed fire sprinkler to provide aesthetic benefits and protect the sprinkler from dirt, dust, and debris, similar to escutcheons (learn the difference between an escutcheon and a cover plate). The temperature-responsive solder reacts to a specified temperature, usually about 20 degrees lower than the sprinkler’s activation temperature. After the solder melts, the decorative plate falls to the floor, exposing the sprinkler head.

Occasionally, however, sprinkler covers fall off or get damaged. Cleaning, painting, and moving them are all reasons we’ve heard for missing or damaged cover plates. When a cover is missing, you have this…


missing cover plate.
A missing cover plate

Before you replace, remember the fire sprinkler cover plate replacement golden rule: each concealed fire sprinkler has ONLY ONE replacement cover plate that fits. It’s like Cinderella’s slipper.

Quick Warning 1: Installing the wrong cover plate can be damaging and costly. It can void the sprinkler’s warranty, so future repairs will be significantly more expensive. In rare cases, the wrong cover can damage the sprinkler itself, unleashing a torrent of water into the building. By all means, let’s avoid that!

Do not caulk, paint, or glue cover plates back in place (Image Source; modified)

Quick Warnings 2 and 3: If a cover plate has fallen off, don’t glue or caulk it back onto the sprinkler. Caulk or glue does not react to temperature the same way as the cover plate’s solder, resulting in a blocked fire sprinkler which increases fire risk. If your reason for replacement is the cover’s color no longer matches the ceiling, don’t paint them. Get a new one that’s painted by the manufacturer.

Cover plates for sprinklers
Cover plates are manufacturer specific – each one is a little different

How to remove a fire sprinkler cover

Alright, now that we’ve covered what not to do, how do you know which cover you need? To find your cinderella sprinkler cover, you need either: a) an old sprinkler cover or b) a ladder, so you can look at the sprinkler itself. Each manufacturer’s cover plate has a slightly different circumference and depth, but almost all are threaded and screw into the concealed sprinkler’s base. If you’re replacing cover plates that are attached now or if you need to replace just one of many, try unscrewing the sprinkler cover (lefty-loosie). If they spin freely but are not backing out, then they are “push-on,” so try a gentle but firm pull to remove. If neither method removes the cover, sell the building (just kidding: call us).

How to find a Sprinkler Identification Number

With the cover removed, you can now search for the Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN), or model number. A SIN is usually 5-6 digits long and preceded by one or two letters. For example, a popular concealed Tyco model is TY3551. Here’s a handy list to help you translate letters to a manufacturer name:

  • Victaulic: V
  • Tyco: TY
  • Senju Sprinklers: SS
  • Reliable: R
  • Globe: GL
  • Viking: VK
  • AG Sprinkler: AG

The applicable SINs are usually marked on the cover. Newer sprinkler covers often have a sticker affixed to the inside of the cover. The sticker specifies the manufacturer, temperature, and a list of SINs the cover matches. Newer model Victaulic, Tyco, and Viking cover plates all feature a sticker. If there is no a sticker, look for a stamp which is still preferred by Reliable and Senju today and many manufacturers in the past. See the image below for examples of both:

Either sticker or stamp will list applicable SINs (Victaulic, left; Reliable, right)

If all your cover plates are gone, don’t panic! The SIN and other information are commonly stamped on the sprinkler’s deflector. See the image below. The SS8461 sprinkler shown is the number you need. It is important to note that cover plates are often compatible with a variety of sprinklers offered by the same manufacturer. Once you have the SIN, the next step is ordering the right replacement.

This is an SS8461 fire sprinkler from Senju Sprinkler

Replacement Cover Plate Lookup Table

Identify the correct cover plate by first finding your brand and then finding the Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) associated with your fire sprinkler in the table below. Click the link below the image to purchase in your preferred finish!

Tip: Try Ctrl +F or CMND + F to search. Or click one of the brand links below.

Check out our selection of Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

Here is our selection of Reliable Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

Reliable Logo
Reliable (Rasco) G4 / G5 Commercial Cover Plates

Fits SIN’s: AG5654, AG5604, RA0914, RA0612, R2111, R7146, R2112, R2113, R2115, R2118, R2211, R2212, R2213, R2215, R2218, R2511, R2512, R2513, R2518, R4441, R5411, R5412, RA0616, RA2312, RA3216, R5413, R5415, R5418, R6115, R6118, R6215, R6218, RA5114, RA3411, RA3413, RA3415, RA0611, RA3211, RA3415
Reliable G4 / G5 White Cover Plate Assembly 135 Degree
Reliable G4 / G5 White 135F
Reliable Polished Chrome G4/G5 Cover Plate
Reliable G4 / G5 Polished Chrome 135F
Reliable G4 / G5 Black Cover Plate Assembly 135 Degree
Reliable G4 / G5 Black 135F
Reliable Off-White G4/G5 Cover Plate
Reliable G4 / G5 Off-White 135F
Reliable (Rasco) CCP Domed Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: R3511, RA2614, R3516, R7618, R3513, R4842, R5942, RA1414, RA2345, RA3045, RA3311, RA3316, RA3313, R5714, R5314
Reliable CCP Domed Cover Plate White
Reliable CCP Domed White 135F

Reliable CCP Domed Polished Chrome 135F

Reliable CCP Domed Black 135F

Reliable CCP Domed Off-White 135F
Reliable (Rasco) G4 / G5 Cleanroom Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: R2111, R2112, R2113, R2115, R2118, R2211, R2212, R2213, R2215, R2218, RA3415
Reliable G4/G5 Cleanroom Cover Plate
Reliable G4 / G5 Cleanroom White 135F
Reliable (Rasco) G1 White Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

Fits SIN’s:R1511, R1512, R1513, R1515, R1518
Reliable G1 Cover Plate G1 White
Reliable White G1 Cover Plate 135F
Reliable G1 Cover Plate G1 White
Reliable White G1 Cover Plate 165F
Reliable (Rasco) RFS Residential Sidewall Cover Plate

Fits SIN: RA4835
Reliable RFS Cover Plate White
Reliable RFS White 135F
Reliable SWC Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: RA4862, R5962, R6834, R3531, RA0362, RA1564, RA3331
Reliable SWC Domed White 135F
Reliable RFC White Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

Fits SIN’s: RA0612, RA0616, RA3212, RA3216, RA0611, RA3211, RA0914, RA0613
Reliable White Cover Residential Rfc
Reliable Residential Rfc Off-White 135F

Here is our selection of Senju Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

Senju Logo
Senju RC Residential Cover Plates (3 1/4 in.)

Fits SIN’s: SS3561, SS8261, SS8361, SS8461, SS8464, SS9561
Senju RC Model Fire Sprinkler Cover White
Senju White Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4 in
Senju RC Model Fire Sprinkler Cover White
Senju White Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 2 5/8″
Senju White
Senju White Square Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 2 5/8″
Senju RC Black
Senju Black Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
Senju RC Beige
Senju Beige Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
Senju RC Nickel
Senju Nickel-Hairline Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
RC Model Sprinkler Ivory Cover Plate
Senju Ivory Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″

Senju Nickel-Mirror Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″

Senju Nickel Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
RC Model Sprinkler Ivory Cover Plate
Senju Ivory Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju RC Brown
Senju Brown Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
Senju RC Copper
Senju Copper Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
Senju Cherry
Senju Cherry Chestnut Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
Senju Yellow
Senju Yellow Birch Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
Senju Golden
Senju Golden Oak Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
Senju Douglas
Senju Douglas Fir Cover Plate RC Heads 140F | 3 1/4″
Senju RC Residential Cover Plates (2 3/8 in.)

Fits SIN’s: SS8421, SS9521
Senju CN White
Senju White Cover Plate CN Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju CN Ivory
Senju Ivory Cover Plate CN Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju CN Beige
Senju Beige Cover Plate CN Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju Dark
Senju Dark Walnut Cover Plate CN Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju Golden
Senju Golden Oak Cover Plate CN Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju Cherry
Senju Cherry Chestnut Cover Plate CN Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju Douglas
Senju Douglas Fir Cover Plate CN Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju Yellow
Senju Yellow Birch Cover Plate CN Heads 140F | 2 3/8″
Senju RC Residential Cover Plates (2 3/8 in.) 162F

Fits SIN: SS9521
Senju CN White
Senju White Cover Plate CN Heads 162F | 2 3/8″

Here is our selection of Tyco Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

Tyco Logo
Royal Flush II (RFII) Commercial Cover Plates

Fits SINs: TY3551, TY3531, TY3532, C2596, TY3555, TY3535, TY3539
Tyco RFII White Cover Plate
Tyco RFII White 139F
Tyco RFII Black Cover Plate
Tyco RFII Black 139F
Tyco RFII Chrome Cover Plate
Tyco RFII Polished Chrome 139F
RFII Brushed Chrome
Tyco RFII Brushed Chrome 139F
RFII White
Tyco RFII White 165F
RFII Black
Tyco RFII Black 165F
RFII Cleanroom White
Tyco Cleanroom RFII White 139F – Note: Link to Air/Dust Seal Only
LFII Residential Cover Plates

Fits SINs: TY2524, TY2596, TY3596
Tyco LFII White
Tyco LFII Bright White 139F
Tyco LFII Grey White
Tyco LFII Grey White 139F
Tyco LFII Brushed Chrome
Tyco LFII Brushed Chrome 139F
Tyco LFII Black
Tyco LFII Black 139F
Tyco LFII Grey White
Tyco LFII Brushed Brass 139F
Tyco LFII Beige
Tyco LFII Beige 139F
Tyco LFII Ivory
Tyco LFII Ivory 139F
Tyco LFII Terra Brown
Tyco LFII Terra Brown 139F
Extra Large Orifice (ELO)

Fits SINs: TY5522, TY5521
Tyco ELOC White
Tyco ELOC White 139F
Tyco (Central) Royal Flush Model A Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: A, 76A, AA, A-1
Tyco ELOC White
Tyco (Central) Model A White 135F
Grey-White Model A
Tyco (Central) Model A Grey-White 135F
Chrome Model A
Tyco (Central) Model A Chrome 135F

Here is our selection of Victaulic Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

Victaulic Logo
V38 Commercial Cover Plates

Fits SIN’s: V3801, V3802, V3804, V3806, V3807, V3808
Victaulic V38 White
Victaulic V38 White 135F
Victaulic V38 Chrome
Victaulic V38 Chrome 135F
Victaulic V38 Black
Victaulic V38 Black 135F
V27 / V39 Residential Cover Plates

Fits SIN’s: V2734, V2736, V3904, V2742
Victaulic Domed V27 White Cover Plate
Victaulic V27 Domed White 135F
Victaulic Domed V27 Chrome Cover Plate
Victaulic V27 Domed Chrome 135F
V33 Sprinkler Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: V23301, V3302, V3303, V3304, V3102, V3104
Victaulic V33 White Cover Plate
Victaulic V33 White 135F
V36 Sprinkler Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: V3617, V3618, V3619, V3620
Victaulic White Cover Plate White
Victaulic V36 White Cover Plate 135F

Here is our selection of Viking Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

Senju Logo
Mirage Commercial Cover Plates

Fits SIN’s: VK457, VK4570, VK474, VK4740, VK488, VK4880, VK494, VK4940, VK461, VK462, VK463, VK464, VK465, VK492, VK632, VK634
Viking Mirage Cover Plate
Viking Mirage White 135F
Viking Mirage Large Diameter Cover Plate
Viking Mirage Large Diameter White 135F

Viking Mirage Large Diameter Brushed Chrome 135F

Viking Mirage Large Diameter Polished Chrome 135F

Viking Mirage Large Diameter Black 135F

Viking Mirage Black 135F
Horizion Mirage Commercial Cover Plates

Fits SIN’s: VK404, VK454
Viking Horizon Mirage White Cover Plate
Viking Horizon Mirage White 165F
Viking Horizon Mirage Chrome Cover Plate
Viking Horizon Mirage Polished Chrome 165F
Viking Horizon Mirage Black Cover Plate
Viking Horizon Mirage Black 165F
Viking Horizon Mirage Brushed Copper Cover Plate
Viking Horizon Mirage Brushed Copper 165F
Freedom Residential Cover Plates

Fits SIN’s: VK425, VK458, VK466, VK468

Viking Freedom White 135F

Viking Freedom Domed White 135F
Viking Horizontal Sidewall Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: VK480, VK4800, VK481, VK490, VK680
Viking White Sidewall 135F
Viking White Freedom Horizontal Sidewall 135F
Viking Black Sidewall 135F
Viking Black Freedom Horizontal Sidewall 135F
Viking Domed Horizontal Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: VK630, VK631
Viking Domed Sidewall
Viking Polished Chrome Domed Horizontal Sidewall Cover Plate 135F
Viking Domed Cover Plate

Fits SIN’s: VK102, VK190, VK192, VK194, VK196, VK202, VK302, VK352, VK353, VK614, VK616, VK618

Viking Domed White 135F

If you missed your plate, click these links to navigate back to your brand

Installing a new cover plate is as simple as twisting or pushing it on. Only install once you are certain you have the cover plate that is meant for sprinkler – but you knew that already, right?

Once the cover plate is installed, there should be a small gap between the ceiling and the lip of the cover plate. This is to allow heat to flow from a fire to the three solder spots, ensuring the cover releases on time during an emergency.

You now know how to properly remove a cover plate, locate the correct replacement, and install a new one! QRFS offers the largest selection of replacement cover plates available and it’s still growing! Almost every cover plate ships out the same day. If you are still struggling to find the cover plate you need, our exceptional customer service is standing by to help you out – just click here or call us at 888-361-6662.

Finally, if tables aren’t your thing…

Browse All Replacement Fire Sprinkler Cover Plates

This blog originally posted by Jason Hugo and Courtney Montanye at blog.qrfs.com on November 4, 2016. If you like what you’ve read, check us out at Facebook.com/QuickResponseFireSupply or on Twitter @QuickResponseFS

The material presented on QRFS.com and the QRFS Blog, including all text, images, graphics, and other information, is presented for promotional and informational purposes only. Every circumstance has its unique risk profile and must be assessed individually. The content on this website in no way eliminates the need for assessments and advice from a life safety or fire protection professional, the services of which should be employed in all situations. In addition, always consult with a professional, such as a life safety engineer, contractor, and your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ; a fire marshal or other government official) before making any changes to your fire protection or life safety system.