#472 – How to Understand and Use Senju Sprinkler Part Numbers

Senju sprinkler part numbers can help you ID very specific models and characteristics

Like every other sprinkler manufacturer, Senju uses internal part numbers to track its sprinklers. Part numbers get a bit more specific than sprinkler identification numbers (SINs). A SIN identifies a unique fire sprinkler down to its orientation, K-factor, coverage type, and response type—but a part number also includes finer details like its specific activation temperature and finish.

It’s easy to use a SIN and the QRFS QuickFinder to identify and buy the sprinkler you need after the tool asks you to enter the desired temperature and finish. However, if you know a sprinkler’s part number from installation or manufacturer documentation, you can also enter that into the search bar at the top of QRFS.com. You’ll find the precise sprinkler if we have it in our online inventory. If we don’t, you can contact us!

Senju Sprinkler Company occupies a unique and stylish niche in fire protection. It focuses on recessed, flush-style, and concealed sprinklers, the latter with a wide selection of beautiful, decorative cover plates.

Read on to learn about the company’s part numbers:

Browse our selection of commercial and residential Senju fire sprinklers and beautiful cover plates. And don’t forget an installation wrench!

Reading Senju sprinkler part numbers

First, sometimes you’ll see Senju part numbers start with a leading “90000” before the first dash and the rest of the numbers. However, these numerals aren’t always shown and don’t convey unique information about the sprinkler.

After them or sometimes presented alone, the primary Senju part numbers contain codes for four key bits of information:

  • Residential versus commercial codes
  • Model codes
  • Sprinkler finish codes
  • Activation temperature codes

Put together, they look like this:

Example Senju part number
This part number is for an SS8464 residential concealed sprinkler with an activation temperature of 162°F.

Of these four components of a Senju part number, the residential/commercial codes and finish codes are the most useful, as they have consistent meanings. In contrast, the codes for activation temperatures and models vary. Here’s an explanation of each element:

Residential versus commercial codes

The first three digits of a Senju part number tell you whether it’s a commercial or a residential sprinkler. If it starts with “001,” like 001-1803 for an SS8464 concealed pendent, it’s residential. An “002” indicates a commercial sprinkler, such as code 002-1201 for an SS3561 concealed pendent.

On the QRFS website, you can simply type in “001 Senju” to pull up all of Senju’s residential sprinkler offerings we carry. “002 Senju” will pull up commercial sprinklers.

Senju sprinkler model codes

The model code, which comes after the residential or commercial code and a dash, is an arbitrary internal Senju number. Here is a rundown of the current line:

Senju model codes table

So, for example, the part number 002-1201 indicates an SS3561 commercial concealed sprinkler, which is quick response, extended coverage, and has a 5.6 K-factor.

Finish codes

Senju is known for its wide-ranging finishes and designs on cover plates for concealed sprinklers, but the concealed sprinklers behind those covers don’t have a choice of finish: “0” is always used in the second to last digit instead of a specific finish code. For example, the part number 001-1803 indicates a concealed sprinkler.

However, Senju also offers exposed pendents, uprights, and sidewalls that require choosing a finish. The second to last digit in the part number indicates the finish used on these models. Available options are:

  • 1 for white
  • 2 for chrome
  • 3 for black
  • 4 for brown
  • 7 for brass

For example, the “3” in the part number 001-0131 means this SS4421 residential flush pendent sprinkler has a black finish.

Senju finishes
The most common finishes available from Senju are white paint, black paint, chrome, and brass—all indicated by different codes in their part numbers. The code “0” is used for a concealed sprinkler that doesn’t need a decorative finish.

Senju sprinkler activation temperature codes

The final digit in a Senju part number indicates the activation temperature. For example, 001-1803 is the part number for residential concealed pendent SS8464. The last “3” in that string is associated with the 162°F version. If “6” is used (i.e., 001-1806), it indicates the 205°F version.

Unfortunately, sometimes Senju uses different codes to indicate the same temperatures for different sprinkler lines. Here is a rundown of the codes by sprinkler type and SIN:

Residential concealed pendent sprinklers:

  • SS8261, SS8361, and SS8561: 1 = 162°F, 6 = 205°F
  • SS8464: 3 = 162°F, 6 = 205°F
  • SS8421: 1 = 162°F

Residential flush horizontal sidewall sprinklers:

  • SS4423: 1 = 162°F

Residential flush pendent sprinklers:

  • SS4421: 1 = 162°F, 2 = 175°F

Residential pendent sprinklers:

  • SS4451: 1 = 162°F, 4 = 205°F

Commercial concealed pendent sprinklers:

  • SS9561 and SS9521: 1 = 162°F, 2 = 205°F
  • SS3561: 1 = 162°F

Commercial flush pendent sprinklers:

  • SS2524: 1 = 162°F, 2 = 205°F
  • SS2531: 1 = 162°F, 2 = 205°F, 3 = 282°F

Commercial pendent sprinklers:

  • SS2551: 1 = 162°F, 2 = 205°F, 3 = 286°F

Commercial upright sprinklers:

  • SS2552: 1 = 162°F, 2 = 205°F, 3 = 286°F

Commercial horizontal sidewall sprinklers:

  • SS2553: 1 = 162°F, 2 = 205°F, 3 = 286°F

Rather than trying to build a part number with temperature codes, you can simply choose the right temperature option on QRFS.com. Nevertheless, now you can read—and if you’d like, build—these codes!

Part numbers can help narrow a sprinkler search

It’s not hard to find the exact Senju sprinkler you need by searching the QRFS website for a particular SIN or using our QuickFinder tool. But Senju’s internal part numbers give you another way to ID a precise sprinkler if you know the number—down to the temperature and finish—before making a purchase. 

QRFS carries sprinklers, gorgeous cover plates, and wrenches from Senju—check out our catalog today! For special orders, or if you need something you don’t see online, contact us at support@qrfs.com or 888-361-6662.

This blog was originally posted at blog.qrfs.com. If this article helped you, check us out on X @QuickResponseFS.

The material presented on QRFS.com and the QRFS Blog, including all text, images, graphics, and other information, is presented for promotional and informational purposes only. Every circumstance has its unique risk profile and must be assessed individually. The content on this website in no way eliminates the need for assessments and advice from a life safety or fire protection professional, the services of which should be employed in all situations. In addition, always consult with a professional, such as a life safety engineer, contractor, and your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ; a fire marshal or other government official) before making any changes to your fire protection or life safety system.