Viking fire sprinkler part numbers can pinpoint precisely the correct part—and this code is necessary for dry heads
Viking is a fantastic sprinkler manufacturer with a versatile catalog. It has hundreds of options, so it’s important to be specific when placing orders.
Sprinkler identification numbers, or SINs, usually do most of the work by identifying functionally unique sprinklers—every sprinkler with a different K-factor, deflector style, response type, and coverage type typically has a different SIN. And just knowing the SIN, followed by specifying the activation temperature and finish, is usually all that’s needed to order a specific sprinkler. The handy QRFS QuickFinder web tool helps you find the correct part, whether it’s a sprinkler, cover plate, escutcheon, or wrench.
However, SINs don’t capture all the variables, so it can pay to understand manufacturer part numbers, especially when ordering dry sprinklers. This article is your guide to reading and building Viking sprinkler part numbers. We explain:
- The anatomy of Viking part numbers for non-dry sprinklers, including:
- The anatomy of Viking dry sprinkler part numbers, including:
The QRFS catalog has the Viking sprinklers, cover plates, escutcheons, and wrenches for your project. If you don’t see a SIN or sprinkler feature on our website or need custom dry sprinklers, contact our customer service team!
Viking part numbers for non-dry sprinklers
Determining a part number for a specific Viking sprinkler requires three pieces of information:
- The base part number, which reflects the SIN
- A code for the desired sprinkler finish
- A code for the desired temperature rating

Easy, right?
To find these three codes, check one of two places. First, you can look at Viking’s price book, a massive document cataloging every sprinkler, escutcheon, cover plate, wrench, and other component or tool you might need. Hit CTRL+F (PC) or CMD+F (Mac) on your keyboard to search for the SIN and navigate quickly to the specific sprinkler. Below the SIN, you’ll find tables listing every possible complete part number—including the base code, the finish code, and the temperature code. The price book is available here or get the PDF directly from this link.

Alternatively, pull up the data sheet for your desired sprinkler. These data sheets are linked on each QRFS product page, and they contain ordering information for Viking’s sprinklers.

Whether using Viking’s price book or a data sheet, you’ll also find ordering info for compatible wrenches, escutcheons, and cover plates.
The base part number is a code that corresponds to a single Viking SIN and thread standard. Watch out—NPT-threaded and BSPT-threaded Viking sprinklers with the same SIN have different part numbers. Sprinklers made for the Chinese market may also have different numbers. The sprinkler data sheet spells these unique part numbers out, but a specific price book only has part numbers for a particular connection type.
Wherever you find it, the base part number will be 5 digits that comprise the beginning of the string. For example, 23870 is the start of the part number for an NPT-threaded VK3021, an XT-1 model pendent sprinkler that is standard coverage and has a 5.6 K-factor and a quick-response bulb.
Sprinkler finishes are often just cosmetic choices, but some can also protect against corrosion—if they have a corrosion-resistant listing. For more info, see our previous blog entries on corrosion-resistant coatings and required sprinkler laboratory testing. In Viking sprinklers, polyester finishes are UL-listed corrosion-resistant, and the Nickle PTFE is UL-listed and FM-approved as corrosion-resistant.
Viking indicates the sprinkler finish by a letter code following the base part number:
- A for Standard Brass
- F for Chrome
- M—/W for white polyester
- M—/B for black polyester
- JN for Nickle PTFE
- C for wax
- V—/W for polyester and wax
The symbol “—” holds a place for the temperature code in the complete part number, and the symbol “/” reminds you that the finish code keeps going after inserting the temperature code. For example, “M—/B” indicates black polyester, so part number 23870M[Temperature Code]/B is for a VK3021 sprinkler with black polyester paint but an unspecified activation temperature.
Not every sprinkler is available with every finish option; make sure to consult the data sheet or price book.
The sprinkler’s temperature is encoded by a single letter:
- A for 135°F
- B for 155°F
- C for 165°F
- D for 175°F
- E for 200°F
- M for 212°F
- G for 220°F or 286°F
- H for 360°F
- L for 500°F
As with the finish, not every temperature rating is available for every sprinkler—check the data sheet.
“B” is the code for 155°F-rated sprinklers, so our example of a VK3021 sprinkler with a black polyester finish has a completed part number of 23870MB/B.
Part numbers for Viking dry sprinklers
Ordering dry sprinklers is more complicated than ordering non-dry heads for a couple of big reasons.
- First, dry sprinklers have an extra variable, the barrel dimension. The barrel makes dry sprinklers “dry,” separating freezable water from the frame, deflector, and heat-sensing element until the sprinkler trips. You have to specify the length of the barrel in an order.
- Second, if a sprinkler has an escutcheon, its inner ring comes integrated with the dry sprinkler, so you also have to reference a different SIN and base part number when ordering that sprinkler. Concealed models also have a unique SIN and base part number. In addition, the presence of an escutcheon or cover plate impacts the measurement that reflects the barrel length.
Fortunately, Viking has a very handy dry sprinkler ordering tool that can build a sprinkler without manually building part numbers.
Here are the components of Viking dry sprinkler part numbers:
- Base part number
- Code for finish
- Code for temperature
- Code for barrel dimension
The finish codes and temperature codes are the same for dry sprinklers as they are for non-dry sprinklers. As usual, check the data sheet or price book to ensure a temperature and finish are available for a specific model.

Dry sprinkler base part numbers
Viking dry sprinkler base part numbers are six digits long, with the last digit being “U.” For example, 07852U is the base part number for the VK150, a standard-response, plain barrel, 5.6K pendent dry sprinkler with a 1” NPT connection.
Here’s where Viking is unique in its dry coding schemes. Most sprinkler manufacturers use the same sprinkler identification number (SIN) to indicate a specific model that may be installed in various ways, including as a plain barrel (no escutcheon), with a recessed escutcheon, or with an adjustable escutcheon. However, Viking gives every different dry sprinkler-escutcheon combination a unique SIN and base part number.
For example, the VK150, VK154, and VK158 have the same K-factor, response type, orientation, coverage, and connection size—so, they could have the same SIN. However, the VK150 has a plain barrel, the VK154 has a standard adjustable escutcheon, and the VK158 has a recessed escutcheon. They each have different SINs, so they also have unique base part numbers.
To order a plain-barrel VK150 with a Nickel ENT finish and a 155°F temperature rating, we use the base part number 07852U with the suffix JNB. Remember, JN is for a Nickel ENT finish and B is for 155°F. So far, the part number is 07852UJNB [XXX]. Now, we only need to fill in the dimension representing the custom barrel length.
Dry sprinkler barrel dimensions
Specifying the dimension isn’t hard—we just need to write the length of the barrel. However, doing this correctly relies on measuring the barrel correctly according to Viking’s unique instructions and paying attention to Viking’s measurement increments for that sprinkler.
The way to measure the dry barrel dimension depends on whether there is an escutcheon and the sprinkler’s orientation.
In all cases, the measurement starts from the tee connection (fitting) to the pipe. Here are the variations from there:
- For pendent and sidewall sprinklers with escutcheons or cover plates, you’ll measure what Viking calls the “A dimension,” which goes between the tee to the finished surface of the wall or ceiling (the “face” of the surface). Installers alliterate this measurement with the term “face to fitting” or vice versa.
- In plain-barrel pendent and sidewall sprinklers (with no escutcheon), the A dimension is measured from the fitting to the base of the sprinkler (the end of the barrel just below the frame).
- Viking’s measurements for upright sprinklers are different from those of other orientations and manufacturers. Viking calls this measurement the “B dimension,” and it goes from the fitting to the tip of the sprinkler’s deflector.

The increments of measurement for dry barrels depend on the type of escutcheon used (if any).
A plain-barrel sprinkler or one with a standard adjustable escutcheon is measured in half-inch increments and uses a three-digit code for the barrel dimension: [XYZ]. The first two digits are whole inches. The last digit represents half inches and can either be 0 (for 0 inches) or 5 (for 1/2”). So, for example:
- 090 is a 9” barrel
- 095 is a 9-1/2” barrel
- 105 is a 10-1/2” barrel
- 200 is a 20” barrel
To order a plain-barrel VK150 with a Nickel ENT finish, a 155°F temperature, and a 10-1/2” barrel, we use the suffix 105 to make our example part number 07852UJNB105.
Dry sprinklers with recessed escutcheons are measured in quarter-inch increments and use a four-digit code. As before, the first two digits are in whole inches. The last two digits are in quarter-inch increments and can be 0 (for 0 inches), 25 (for 1/4” or 0.25”), 5 (for 1/2” or 0.5”), or 75 (for 3/4” or 0.75”). If the fourth digit is zero, it’s left off. Some examples:
- 050 is a 5” barrel
- 0525 is a 5-1/2” barrel
- 1075 is a 10-3/4” barrel
- 125 is a 12-1/2” barrel

So, to order a VK158 with an adjustable escutcheon, a Nickel ENT finish, a 155°F temperature, and a 10-3/4” barrel, we’d use the suffix 1075 to make part number 06530UJNB1075.
Viking sprinkler part numbers are straightforward, once you get the hang of them
In an e-commerce world, we’re used to point-and-click ordering, and QRFS offers this simplicity for most fire sprinklers. However, getting more specific with part numbers can be useful, as they become important when ordering custom dry heads.
QRFS exists to make understanding fire protection and buying the right equipment easier. You can browse our product pages or use our QuickFinder tool to find and purchase non-dry sprinklers and key accessories. For custom dry sprinkler orders, or if you need something you don’t see in our catalog, contact us at or 888-361-6662.
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