#71 – When to Replace Fire Sprinkler Heads in a Fire Sprinkler System?

All fire sprinkler heads require regular inspection, and very old, damaged, or otherwise impaired fire sprinklers must be replaced

Fire sprinkler systems are known for their longevity. In most cases, their lifespans are comparable to the buildings in which they are found. But because fire sprinkler heads remain idle unless there’s an emergency, it can be difficult to identify subtle, age-related problems with them. Unless an issue is highly visible — like a leak or corrosion — it may go unnoticed.

Performing regular inspections, testing, and maintenance helps ensure sprinklers work well for decades. But at some point, even highly reliable heads must be replaced. This blog will help you identify the age of your fire sprinkler heads and explain when they must be tested or replaced.

Need to replace your fire sprinkler heads right away? Feel free to jump on over and check out our selection of commercial fire sprinklers.

How do I determine the age of fire sprinklers in a system?

To figure out the age of the fire sprinklers in a system, begin by looking at building documentation and other pertinent information. In the best-case scenario, there are clear records of the building’s completion and system installation, renovations, and/or upgrades, including any changes to the sprinklers within the system.

Often, people first examine the supply of required spare sprinkler heads in the fire sprinkler head replacement cabinet. Their reasoning is that, in theory, these sprinklers are the same age as those installed in the system. However, if any spares have been used and replaced over the years, they may not match the age of those within the system. This is where it gets a bit tricky — and why you should not rely on this method alone.

When do I perform a fire sprinkler inspection?

NFPA 25 requires visual fire sprinkler inspections by qualified personnel, often a fire protection contractor, on an annual basis.

From the 2023 Edition of NFPA 25* Sprinklers shall be inspected from the floor level annually.

NFPA does allow some exceptions to this rule:

From the 2023 Edition of NFPA 25* Sprinklers installed in concealed spaces such as above suspended ceilings shall not require inspection. Sprinklers installed in areas that are inaccessible for safety considerations due to process operations shall be inspected during each scheduled shutdown.

A man inspects a fire sprinkler.
An inspector looks at a fire sprinkler head “from the floor level.” Image source: Cintas

Quarterly visual inspections of sprinklers, while not required, can be beneficial and are often conducted by qualified facility managers and maintenance personnel. It’s best to form a routine and remain consistent, as this creates a familiarity with the sprinklers and makes it easy to spot any changes or potential problems. It’s also important to keep a record of all inspections. Doing so also creates a record of any issues that arise and actions that are taken, helping maintain the overall health of the system.

Service providers may or may not use forms to conduct annual inspections that are considered acceptable to all Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). It’s up to a building owner, facilities manager, etc. to verify that the forms are sufficient and that inspections meet NFPA 25 criteria.

Here’s what inspectors are looking for, with each issue indicating that a sprinkler must be replaced:

From the 2023 Edition of NFPA 25* Any sprinklers that show signs of any of the following shall be replaced:

(1) Leakage
(2) Corrosion detrimental to sprinkler performance
(3) Physical damage
(4) Loss of fluid in the glass bulb heat-responsive element
(5) Loading detrimental to sprinkler performance
(6) Paint, other than that applied by the sprinkler manufacturer, detrimental to sprinkler performance

The 2023 edition of NFPA 25 loosened the rules for painted sprinklers a bit with the words “detrimental to sprinkler performance,” whereas the 2017 edition did the same for loading and corrosion. You can read about the change and what’s considered “detrimental” in this blog.

When do I perform age-related fire sprinkler testing?

Unlike many other system components, heads have a very long testing interval based on the age and type of sprinklers within the system.

This testing frequency increases over time as they age and the initial test is based on their installation date. If the date of installation is unidentifiable, the manufacture date of the fire sprinkler heads may be used instead (though their manufacture date may predate the system). Prior to any testing, a visual inspection must look for any obvious defects:

From the 2023 Edition of NFPA 25

A. Sprinklers should be first given a visual inspection in accordance with to determine if replacement is required. Sprinklers that have passed the visual inspection should then be laboratory tested for sensitivity and functionality. The waterway should clear when sensitivity and functionality is tested at 7 psi (0.5 bar) or the minimum listed operating pressure for dry sprinklers.

Until the 50-year mark, it’s not necessary to test standard response sprinkler heads that aren’t installed in harsh environments. But because fast-response sprinklers have only been around since about 1980, their lifespans and failure rates are still less well-known. Thus, NFPA 25 requires first testing them at 20 years rather than 50. Here are the testing intervals for various types of sprinklers:

From the 2023 Edition of NFPA 25

Type Frequency Reference
Standard Response Sprinklers At 50 years and every 10 years thereafter
Standard Response Sprinklers first tested at 75 years At 75 years and every 5 years thereafter
Dry Sprinklers At 20 years and every 10 years thereafter
Solder-Type Extra-, Very Extra-, and Ultra-High-Temp. Sprinklers (consistently used in hot environments) Tested every 5 years*
Fast Response Sprinklers (except ESFR and CMSA sprinklers) At 25 years and every 10 years thereafter*
Early suppression, fast response (ESFR) & control-mode special application (CMSA) sprinklers At 20 years and every 10 years thereafter*
Sprinklers used in harsh environments, including corrosive atmospheres, as defined by A. Tested every 5 years*
Listed corrosion-resistant sprinklers used in harsh environments Tested every 10 years and every 5 years thereafter

As shown in the table, special types of fire sprinklers and those subjected to harsh environments have a much shorter span between testing periods. Older types of dry sprinklers, for example, had a 50 percent failure rate after they reached the 10-year mark, according to NFPA. But later data indicated that newer models had solved some of these problems, so NFPA incrementally increased the initial testing interval by 5 years in the last three editions. Read more about these changes and testing in our blog: “Fire Sprinkler Testing Procedures & Replacement in NFPA 25.”

Testing is not necessary for the full set of sprinkler heads within the system, but rather for a representative sample.

From the 2023 Edition of NFPA 25* Where required by Section 5.3, sample sprinklers shall be submitted to an approved testing laboratory for field service testing.* A representative sample of sprinklers for testing in accordance with shall consist of either a minimum of four sprinklers or 1 percent of the number of sprinklers per sample area, whichever is greater.

A representative sample means that sprinklers should not be selected solely on their ease of access. A fire protection professional who follows best practices takes a random sample from different floors, rooms, and areas within the facility. When selecting a sample set, they should pick sprinklers of different types and from different environments.

The sample set must undergo a plunge test. Using the controlled plunge test apparatus, the sprinkler is pressurized with 5 psi (0.4 bar) of air pressure. The test measures the amount of time it takes the heat-sensitive element to activate. When a fire sprinkler head from a sample set fails to activate in the appropriate amount of time during the plunge test, it’s necessary to replace all sprinklers within the system or just the area the sample represents (if multiple samples were taken).

Again, you can read more about testing procedures, sampling scenarios, and more in our detailed blog on the subject.

When do I need to replace old fire sprinkler heads?

As mentioned earlier, any sprinkler that fails a visual inspection from the floor level must be replaced immediately. So do sprinklers “affected by a fire as determined by the AHJ.” When it comes to old sprinklers, samples that are tested and fail a plunge test indicate that every sprinkler in the system or an area of the system represented by a sample must be replaced. And all fire sprinklers manufactured before 1920 must be replaced. These four rules are consolidated in section of NFPA 25 (2023).

Because sprinklers fail more as they age, and installing new sprinklers significantly increases the time until the next testing interval, replacement might be a better option rather than continuing to test old sprinklers periodically. It could be helpful to weigh the costs of testing in comparison to purchasing new heads to determine the best plan.

Tips for avoiding early replacement

Remember, sprinklers with “loading detrimental to sprinkler performance” must be replaced if an inspection spots them. Heads that are “heavily loaded” have dust, dirt, debris, or grease that is difficult to remove without touching the sprinkler head. Before you resort to a replacement, you can try a touch-free method of cleaning dirty fire sprinkler heads. Nevertheless, if you find it would be necessary to wipe or scrub sprinklers with a cleaning solution, then you need to replace them.

A dust-covered, or loaded, fire sprinkler head.
A dirty or “loaded” fire sprinkler head.

Never, under any circumstances, paint fire sprinklers (or cover plates). If a fire sprinkler head has been painted in a way that’s detrimental to performance, it needs to be replaced by a sprinkler with the same characteristics. Painting sprinkler heads can cause irreparable damage that causes them to activate late or otherwise malfunction.

It goes without saying that leaking or physical damage can hinder the proper operation of a fire sprinkler head. Leaking or damaged heads must be replaced as soon as possible, which is why NFPA 25 mandates having a specific number of spare sprinklers onsite that depends on the size of the system. These spares should be placed in a fire sprinkler cabinet, along with the wrenches needed to install them.

A corrosion-damaged fire sprinkler head.
A fire sprinkler head that’s badly damaged by corrosion. Image source: Garden Grove Water Damage

If you’re looking to replace fire sprinkler heads, consider purchasing from QRFS! We offer a wide variety of commercial and residential fire sprinklers from Viking, Victaulic, Tyco, Reliable, and Senju. Regardless of whether your job needs one head or hundreds, we’ve got them in stock and ready to ship!

When you purchase from QRFS, you benefit from our quality customer service and extensive product knowledge. We stay up-to-date on codes, standards, and industry best practices so that we can provide you with the right information at the right time.

Click here to browse our selection of commercial fire sprinkler heads.

More questions? Reach out to us by calling +1 (888) 361-6662 or emailing support@qrfs.com.


This blog was originally posted by Jason Hugo and Anna Hartenbach at blog.qrfs.com on August 24, 2017, and updated on February 5, 2023. If you found this article helpful, check us out at Facebook.com/QuickResponseFireSupply or on Twitter @QuickResponseFS.

The material presented on QRFS.com and the QRFS Blog, including all text, images, graphics, and other information, is presented for promotional and informational purposes only. Every circumstance has its unique risk profile and must be assessed individually. The content on this website in no way eliminates the need for assessments and advice from a life safety or fire protection professional, the services of which should be employed in all situations. In addition, always consult with a professional, such as a life safety engineer, contractor, and your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ; a fire marshal or other government official) before making any changes to your fire protection or life safety system.