Home fire sprinkler

#99 – Residential Fire Sprinklers: The Ultimate Home Fire Safety Solution!

Residential fire sprinkler systems can mean life or death in a house fire. The systems are reliable and inexpensive, so why don’t more homes have them? In this blog post, we examine residential fire statistics, the impact of residential sprinklers, and some FAQs about home fire sprinklers. We look closer at cost and safety statistics, as well as the maintenance required with these systems.

The 2017 Edition of the NFPA 25 Handbook

#71 – When to Replace Fire Sprinkler Heads in a Fire Sprinkler System?

The best way to identify issues with and replace fire sprinkler heads is through regular inspections, testing, and maintenance. But when should you perform any of these procedures? How do you know when to test or replace them? In this article, we’ll help you answer all of your most burning questions!

#57 – The War on Residential Fire Sprinklers

The war on residential fire sprinklers is rooted in misguided information and fought by industry groups with vested interests. This blog compiles the arguments and dispels the myths. It ends with a proposed compromise that will benefit homeowners and the construction industry.